Learning Journals
Each child will need a learning journal each journal covers the age range you select up to five years.
👑 Explanation of what the EYFS/COEL's are for parents
👑 Here I am page
👑 Background information about the child
👑 Child individual needs (all about me)
👑 Starting Points
👑 Monthly pages each month include:
Individual planning
Space for 3 photos (wallet card size landscape or portrait),
2 Wow moments
Space for noting the next steps
Space for other settings to comment
Space for parent’s comments
👑 Development matters tracking
👑 Annual handprint sheets
👑 2-year progress check (included in the relevant aged book)
👑 Transition document for moving on
👑 Annual parent satisfaction survey
👑 Child survey​
This book works in unison alongside our others in the series to make a complete childminding package:
Book 1 Annual Diary
Book 2 Record Keeping
Book 3 Learning Journal
Book 4 GDPR for childminders

"I think you're doing a fabulous job making our lives easier for us. I've been using your learning journals and they are great. Everything in one place. I just wish I had known about them sooner but better late than never 😄"
- Raena Hussain-Childminder